The Podiatrist and The Physio are now a part of Optimise Health!

Podiatry Toowoomba & Warwick

When it comes to health…
it’s personal!

Podiatry, Physiotherapy, & Pilates

At OH! it’s all about your goals.

Whatever your goals are; they become the goals of our world class team of specialists. We don’t just treat, we collaborate as a team to get you where you want to be – and beyond.

Our Services.

Great physiotherapy can help you to fill your days with the things you love without being held back so you can realise your full potential.

Your feet are your foundation. Every day they work hard for you – work that affects your gait, posture, balance and other joints.

Pilates is great for all body types and exercise goals, especially those who benefit from reducing the load on their body as they workout.

Conditions we treat.

Our team of experienced podiatrists, physiotherapists and allied health professionals is dedicated to helping you treat conditions that might be limiting your full potential. Whether it’s heel pain, foot pain, or conditions requiring specialised care, our clinic offers a comprehensive array of services:

Foot & Heel Pain

From plantar fasciitis to flat feet, our podiatrists in Toowoomba provide patients with state-of-the-art treatment to ease discomfort and promote foot health.

Sports Injuries

From sprains to muscle strains, our professionals offer effective treatments and rehabilitation plans in sports podiatry and physiotherapy for athletes suffering from sports-related injuries.

Knee Pain

With a blend of innovative techniques, we focus on restoring flexibility and minimising discomfort in the lower limbs, letting you take each stride with renewed confidence.

Hip Pain

Our team delivers effective solutions for hip pain caused by conditions like bursitis and arthritis, focusing on pain relief and joint function restoration.

Back Pain

Our team provides personalised care to reduce back pain from injury or everyday life and improve spine health.

Neck Pain

Our experienced team use a mix of therapies to reduce discomfort and improve neck mobility.


Addressing various types of headaches, including tension and migraine, our team employ a range of techniques to relieve pain and address underlying causes.

Shoulder Pain

We provide comprehensive care for shoulder pain arising from conditions like rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder, aiming to restore strength and movement.

Skin & Nail

Our podiatrists provide comprehensive care for skin and nail issues, including diabetic foot care ensuring healthy feet and nails.

Ingrown Toenails & Nail Care

Our latest technology, including laser treatment, addresses ingrown toenails and fungal nail disease, ensuring beautiful and healthy feet.

What makes us different?

It all comes down to how we treat our clients.

We have multiple specialists working under the same roof – nothing new there – but what is different is that our team collaborates with each other.

We can refer internally where required, saving you the hassle of visiting multiple practices. We can also seek expertise easily from outside our speciality, which means every time you visit OH! you’re getting a team working on helping you achieve your goals. Plus, we’re nice people!

Here’s a couple of other reasons you will love us:

Toowoomba podiatrist
You get to drive – it’s your goals that are important.
Local podiatrist Warwick
You get access to a team of experts to help reach your goals.
Podiatrist Toowoomba
Benefit from the latest state-of-the-art technology.
Podiatry clinic Toowoomba

Enjoy our on-site rehab and performance gym.

Local podiatrist Toowoomba
You get the fastest orthotics in Australia – only 90 mins!

A Team Of Passionate Podiatrists & Physiotherapists.

Experience podiatry at its best with Optimise Health. As an collaborative team, we thrive on providing the best treatment across disciplines, exchanging insights and demonstrating genuine care for our patients. Meet our friendly and experienced podiatrists and physiotherapists in Toowoomba or Warwick.

We are passionate about unlocking your full potential and bring knowledge and enthusiasm into our interactions. As an unique blend of experienced podiatrists and physiotherapists, we aim to be Toowoomba’s premier health team.

Our team of Toowoomba podiatrists

Trusted by the local community.

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